Dr. Marco Antonio Gurrola Navarro


Marco Gurrola received the Bachelor in Electronics and Communications and Master of Earth Sciences from  the "Universidad de Guadalajara" (UdeG), Guadalajara Mexico in 1997 and 2003, respectively, and the Doctor of Science degree with the specialty in Electronics from the "Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica Óptica y Electrónica", Tonantzintla, Mexico in 2009. In the same year Dr. Gurrola joined the Electronics Department at the "Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías" (CUCEI), UdeG as faculty lecturer for several undergraduate and graduate programs. His research interests include the development of Intelectual Property (IP) modules for system-on-a-chip (SoC). In the field of the popularization of science, he is an enthusiastic IEEE promoter who seeks to develop new trends in the area of ​​microelectronics and integrated circuits related to students and professionals in the western region of Mexico.

Email: marco.gurrola@academicos.udg.mx



Síntesis Digital con Alliance es un Tutorial empleado en el curso de "Circuitos Digitales"


Ejemplos de reportes ¡bien hechos! de un sumador de 5 bits:

Sintesis_de_un_sumador_paralelo_de_5_bits_empleando_las_herramientas_de_alliance.pdf, realizado por Luis Arturo Reyes Llanos

Sumador_de_cinco_bits_sintetizado_con_las_herramientas_de_alliance.pdf, realizado por Diana Elsa Tenorio Cortés